Bill's gotten to know a lot of folks in the artist community (through shows and getting commissions, etc.), and through one of the online message boards, friends and fans of Tim Sale (Batman/Superman/Daredevil/Hulk Gray artist, as well as the art for Heroes) decided to get together at the Baltimore show for a helluva party. I got to finally meet a lot of the folks I've only spoken to online, and what a fun bunch!
Did I run at all that weekend? Ha! Funny question! :-P
Some of the more random highlights of the weekend (that may only make sense if you were there):
- Opening lunch at Hooters
- 25 (or was it 35) pounds of chicken wings
- Australian chocolate (Lauren! I love you, but you're EVIL!)
- Rich(!) Starkings and I geeking out on our iPhones.
- The sketchtravel book... wow. (lots of beautiful work in there)
- Sightseeing in the rain on Saturday (and Bill's new pair of shoes as a result)
- Dinner for 23 at Lucy's Pub. Me with my Guinness and Bill ("Breezy") with his sea breeze. Hee hee...
- Everyone's pirate booty from the show (some beautiful artwork everyone got... especially the folks who waited in Barry Kitson's line)
- Singalong at the Hard Rock ("The Looooooove Shack...!")
- Hanging out at the OTHER hotel Sunday night (and I'm wondering if I should be thankful that I missed the "Saved by the Bell" discussion)
- Oh, and the most random event of them all: the street gang riding off-road vehicles (dirt bikes and quads) down the middle of the street at dusk. Where do you even BUY dirt bikes in Baltimore? (And I'm bummed I missed seeing the guy fall off the quad... schadenfreude is still alive and well, I'm afraid).
My Flickr set
Bill's Flickr set
Now I need to break it to the kids that I'm going to AZ for travel next week. Ugh.
1 comment:
you can buy tim tams from ebay. really you can, i've seen them listed.
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