Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Claddagh Pub 4-Miler (Wild Rover Race #2!)

The second race in the Wild Rover Series was today: The Claddagh Pub 4-Miler (in Lawrence, MA).

Friday and Saturday, we had beautiful weather: Friday got up to almost 60 degrees, Saturday cooled down as a cold front moved through. Today?

Snow. Of course! Yaaaay! Two storms worked their way through the area today. Storm #1 was the one that affected the race today: not too much snow ("a dusting"), but enough to make some of the running slippery. Storm #2 is coming through tonight, and is expected to dump 15" of snow on us. That's what happens, living in New England!

The course was interesting: flat for the first mile, a KILLER hill at the 2-mile turnaround point (someone on the website described the hill as a "knee-in-the-face" hill, which was pretty accurate), with the downhill and flat coming back. Map is here on Runkeeper's site. I walked the hill and had to watch my step on the downhill, for fear of sliding down (if I'd had a sled, I'd have made up some great time!). Despite the hill and the snow, though, I still averaged around an 11-minute mile. Yay!

Round three will be next week with the Hynes Tavern 5-miler in Lowell. I'm hoping it's more like Spring! :-)

First picture is pre-race: (L-R) Michelle, Me, John, Laura, Jen (Joe, thanks again for taking the pictures!)

This is the amount of snow we had at the start... not too much, but it was slippery in spots (John skated over to the starting line):

Of course, there are bling pictures. The medal is the second piece of the 3-piece Wild Rover Series medal, and the second hand in the claddagh. Next week we get the heart and crown at the Hynes Tavern 5-miler.

It's blurry, but here's a picture of the two pieces together:

See you next week at the Hynes Tavern race! :-)
(Update: sorry the pictures didn't come through the first time... hopefully, this edit fixes that.)


Anonymous said...

I almost took the same picture of my medals too - I ran last week and today. And I walked a bit of that hill too. I saw someone describe the killer hill as a "balls to the wall" mini-mountain. I'd say it was accurate, wouldn't you?

Good luck next week - I'm number 507, I think (I signed up for all three at the same time, so I think I get the same number again.)

I don't know about you, but I think the Claddagh Pub handled things much better than last week!

Jen said...

Great to hear from someone else in the race! :-)

That was definitely an accurate description! As soon as I turned the corner and saw the hill in my face, it was a big "uh-oh"... :-) But we made it!

I also think the Claddagh Pub was much better organized, but I figure that once J.P. McBride's has more than a couple races under their belt, they'll figure out what works and what doesn't, and hopefully that'll improve.

Lots of fun! I'll keep my eye open for #507 next week! :-)